Express Rally was founded in Northwest Arkansas in 2015 and both the car community, and community at large have been a catalyst for our growth and development over the years. We are proud to be based in Northwest Arkansas and are honored to hold two events each year that directly support charities that are assisting families in need in our area. The annual Ryan Malone Memorial Toy Drive began in 2018 (renamed in 2023) with Jason's Pro Detail and has grown exponentially each year. Thousands of toys are donated directly to the NWA Children's Shelter and The Call. 2023 saw the creation of the annual Poker Run which raises funds for different Arkansas charities each year depending on needs identified by our participants and sponsors.
ER Socials provide a way for the Express Rally community to stay connected between events. ER Socials are not limited to automotive activities, but serve as a way to experience some of the unique aspects of living in Northwest Arkansas and share opportunities to broaden knowledge in a variety of areas while supporting local businesses.
Throughout the year we organize group drives around Northwest Arkansas and surrounding areas. We announce these drives through our monthly emails and in the private Express Rally - Drivers Only group. These drives are free and open to everyone. While the road rally events are a blast, we recognize that sometimes it's just as fun to share a low key day enjoying great roads with a smaller group of new and old friends in non-stickered up cars.
The automotive community in Northwest Arkansas and surrounding areas is diverse and dynamic. With so many enthusiasts living in our area and many excellent local events taking place each year, we are proud to support and participate in several events including the Black Top Sunday on the first Sunday of every month at One Uptown in Rogers, Ozark Euro Rally, NWA Rigs & Coffee, and 417 Coffee & Cars in addition to other local events.